Funeral and Memorials Services

It is our desire to provide support and healing to you as you grieve and plan a funeral or memorial service for your loved one. Funerals in the Christian church are an opportunity to worship and be strengthened in God’s promise of love, forgiveness, and eternal life as well as an opportunity to say goodbye and grieve. They are also a time for people to come together, support one another, and remember the lives of their loved ones.

Before we are able to schedule a memorial or funeral service we need to determine the availability of a pastor and the building. We ask that you wait to schedule your service with your chosen funeral home until after you have talked with our staff.

If you would like to start planning now, we have both an advanced funeral planning guide as well as a funeral planning form. 

For inquiries, please contact Amy Furan in the church office at (952) 935-1753 or


At Gethsemane, we understand that it is not always possibly to be physically present for a mermorial service or funeral. When a family makes the request for a service to be live-streamed online, we are able to accomodate that request. 

To access the link for a specific service, please look for the name of the person below. If you are searching for a specific service from the past, you can find those on our YouTube page.