Need of the Month


Our neighbor, Alice Smith Elementary, has an end-of-year Summer Book Giveaway to encourage stuents to read over the summer. This month we're collecting all kinds of books - fiction, non-fiction, hardcover or paperback, new or very gently used. Books should be non-religious and appropriate for students finished kindergarten through 6th grade.

During on of the last days of school, all students are able to choose a book to take home, keep, and enjoy. Our Need of the Month collection last year was so successful that each student was able to take home two books. Thorugh our donations we can send a message that reading is important for everyone. 

Let's fill our two collection barrels with books and more books! You can also help with a financial gift. Write your check to Gethsemane with 'Books for Alice Smith' on the memo lline or give online to Need of the Month. The school staff will use this money to purchase books for their end-of-year Summer Book Giveaway.